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Realize your dream of having a baby! Choose Gyncentrum
and become a Parent orange heart First infertility visit

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Why should you trust us?

We are proud of our successes!

  • The success rate of our clinic reaches up to 80% on the first attempt, in selected city programs.
  • We have more than 20 years of experience and thousands of babies have been born thanks to our efforts and expertise !
  • We do not give up so easily! With us you will receive a guarantee of success!
  • We have the largest bank of reproductive cells in this part of Europe!


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One of the most sucesfull IVF clinic in Poland First infertility visit

Our Clinic shows up to 80% success rate on the first attempt, in selected city programs.

For the 2+1 program, the efficiency of our Clinic is 95%.

We don’t give up that easily! At Gyncentrum, you either get pregnant or we guarantee a 100% refund.

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orange sketchy heart First infertility visit
Are you unsuccessfully trying to have a child?

Don’t wait for diagnostics!

Gyncentrum clinics, are first and foremost specialized diagnostic centers that help each couple with getting pregnant. The complexity of diagnostics and years of experience, combined with the above-average efficiency of our clinic, are an opportunity for each couple who is trying unsuccessfully to have a child.

The most important thing is not to postpone the first visit. Remember, the sooner we diagnose where the cause of infertility lies, your chance of success to become a Parent will increase significantly!

We invite you to a first consultation!

Become a Parent
Choose Wisely | Choose Gyncentrum

When to turn to a specialist for help?

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Time is of the essence

It’s not worth the wait, but it’s generally accepted that when you’ve been trying unsuccessfully for 6 months or more to have a baby.

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Presence of diseases

When you are affected by or suspect conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS, thyroid disease, adrenal disease.

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Previous failures

It is worth consulting a specialist if you have a history of miscarriages.

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Prevention is better than cure

Visit us to consult about your health before you start trying for a baby.

Meet our specialists!

We offer comprehensive care at every stage of treatment!

Our specialists are not only outstanding experts with vast knowledge and experience, but also sensitive to the patient’s feelings, with a warm disposition and an individual approach to each patient.

As Gyncentrum, we are pleased to be able to provide comprehensive care to our patients .We are able to carry out all the tests we perform in one place, and the availability of facilities throughout Poland allows patients to choose the clinic located closest to their home.

Thanks to the fact that we have one of the largest cell banks in Eastern Europe, we are also able to help patients interested in getting pregnant with donor cells.

See for yourself!


Make a free appointment

Do you want to become a parent?

Don’t wait, schedule a first consultation
and start your diagnosis now!

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Trust the best!

Learn the stories of our couples,
And see why, you should choose our clinic!

Book a free appointment online or

Visit us at our clinic

orange sketchy heart First infertility visit
Gyncentrum Krakow

10 Mehoffera Street

Frequently asked questions


How does the first visit go? dropdown arrow First infertility visit

Let’s start by contacting our helpline, where you will be assigned a Patient Caregiver. This is a dedicated person who will coordinate your entire diagnostic and treatment process. Your Patient Caregiver will help schedule your first consultation with the doctor, remind you of the necessary tests, and support you during the next steps leading to your desired pregnancy.

For your first infertility appointment, we recommend that you come together, since the problem affects both partners. The meeting will start with a conversation about your health and lifestyle. An ultrasound will also be performed on you.

Based on the information gathered, the doctor will assess your health, present diagnostic options and discuss available treatment methods. If additional tests are needed, they will be ordered. Diagnostics are tailored to your individual needs, but it is advisable to bring with you previous tests and any history of previous treatment.

Once the necessary information is obtained, the doctor will present a preliminary treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. We realize that the first visit can be emotionally difficult, so it is a good idea to ask questions, and inquire about all the information of the chosen doctor.

Should I come with my partner to the first appointment? dropdown arrow First infertility visit

Yes. This is because the problem of infertility affects both partners. That is why it is so important that at the first visit the doctor has the opportunity to talk to each of you. In addition to the diagnostic aspect, the whole spectrum of psychological issues related to infertility is important. Unsuccessful efforts to have a child are associated with a lot of stress and a sense of unfulfillment. Therefore, it is important to support your partner, even during this first visit. Medical recommendations heard directly from the doctor will be taken more seriously by the man. They will also allow him to better understand the problem and engage properly in solving it.

Should we do and what tests before our first visit to an infertility treatment specialist? dropdown arrow First infertility visit

There is no one-size-fits-all set of tests that should be performed before your first visit, as it all depends on the individual health status of our patients.
Our clinics offer all the necessary tests, so you don’t have to worry about them before your visit. Instead, it’s a good idea to bring with you your past medical history, history of surgeries you’ve undergone, and any necessary medical documents that could help in assessing your condition.

What lies ahead after the first infertility appointment? dropdown arrow First infertility visit

Further steps will already depend on your medical history and the results of the tests performed, both those you brought to the appointment and those ordered by our specialist. On the basis of these, the doctor will decide on the ways of further treatment. He may suggest measures to help you conceive naturally, such as diet and lifestyle changes or hormonal treatment, or come up with a proposal to use assisted reproduction methods. It is worth remembering that the diagnosis and treatment of infertility never ends with a single visit to the clinic. It is a multi-stage process, often requiring consultation with several specialists: gynecologist, endocrinologist, urologist, psychologist or sexologist.

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