Immunological tests
Full diagnostics in one place

Selected KIR receptors can impede normal embryo implantation and placenta formation. Identification of KIR genes and HLA-C alleles is therefore an aid in assessing the causes of infertility.
This is a specialized immunological test that evaluates the percentage and number of specific lymphocyte populations indistinguishable in basic blood tests.
Immunology laboratory Gyncentrum deals with the diagnosis and treatment of immunological causes of fertilization failure (infertility), impaired implantation of the fetal egg and habitual miscarriages.
We perform full diagnostics in the condition of immunological infertility striving to detect and eliminate the causative factor for the occurrence of miscarriage. It is estimated that immunological disorders may be responsible for 65%-70% of pregnancy loss in women with habitual miscarriages.
For the sake of patients’ comfort, Gyncentrum clinic is equipped with the best medical equipment, thanks to which it is possible to perform full diagnostics of infertility.
Immune infertility
Immune infertility is a type of infertility for which the immune system is responsible. It can be either the female or male immune system. In the case of a woman, this means that the body produces antibodies that attack her own egg cells. It also happens that the antibodies also fight the man’s sperm, which prevents conception. In turn, the man’s body can produce antibodies that destroy the genetic material in the sperm, leading to the destruction of sperm and male infertility.
The impact of autoimmune disorders (of their own origin) on immune infertility:
- ASA sperm antibodies – directly attack the man’s own sperm (found in semen and cervical secretions). Antibodies interfere with the movement of the proceeding and maturation of the spermatozoon, impair the penetration of cervical mucus by spermatozoa, abnormally connect the spermatozoon with the transparent sheath of the egg, and interfere with the implantation of the embryo in the uterus. They are produced in the endometrium of the uterus and in the cervical canal.
- Nuclear antibodies ANA – affect, among other things, endometrial disruption and can cause inflammation of tissues in the uterus.
- Ovarian antibodies AOA – can attack the cells of the corpus luteum and the transparent sheath of the oocyte. This results in abnormal secretion of sex hormones, which consequently leads to inovulatory cycles and infertility.
Impact of alloimmune disorders on immune infertility:
- NK cells – specific cells of the immune system. In the human body, they play a protective role against tumors, viruses and microorganisms. Malfunction of NK cells in women manifests itself, among other things, by attacking cells with a different structure and genetic composition – such as sperm and embryos formed from a particular sperm. There is a group of NK cells in every woman’s uterus, which is produced each menstrual cycle.
When should I visit an immunology clinic?
- In cases of established infertility,
- When habitual miscarriages occur,
- in cases of frequent inflammation, infections.
Immunological infertility therapy uses immunostimulation methods and immunomodulatory treatment preceded by a thorough analysis of the immunological mechanisms of reproduction.
At the Gyncenter, we perform immunoassays, such as:
- Immunophenotype study
- Th1/Th2 cytokine profile
- NK cell cytotoxicity test
- Anticardiolipin antibodies (IgG, IgM)
- Antibodies to β2 -glycoprotein I (IgG, IgM)
- Lupus anticoagulant
- Assessment of the presence of blocking antibodies (allo MLR)
- Microcytotoxicity test (cross-match)
- KIR and HLA-C gene polymorphisms
- Antibodies against TPO
- Antibodies against TG
- APA 1 polymorphism test in the IGF 2 gene
- ANA1
- ANA2
- ANA3
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