In vitro with donor egg cell

  • The largest sperm and ova bank in this part of Europe.
  • Very fast matching of anonymous donor (up to 7 days).
  • Guarantee of 2 blastocysts.

In vitro with a donor egg from Gyncentrum is a chance for pregnancy for women who, for various reasons, cannot use their own egg cells.

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75% efficiency

In vitro program with donor egg cell


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More than 14,000 ova ready for fertilization

at the Gyncentrum International Sperm and Ova Bank


When is IVF with a donor egg indicated?

In vitro with a donor egg is indicated when:

  • you have no ova of your own, such as as a result of depletion or lack of your own ovarian reserve, cancer treatment or premature menopause,
  • previous IVF procedures have failed,
  • you have a history of miscarriages,
  • you have had surgery to remove your ovaries,
  • you are a carrier of a genetic change that prevents you from obtaining normal oocytes.

International Reproductive Cell Bank Gyncentrum is the largest selection of ova from healthy women in Poland.

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Why Gyncentrum?

dopasowanie dawczyni e1677856368308 In vitro with donor cells

Matching anonymous
donor up to 7 days

gwarancja zarodkow e1677856001157 In vitro with donor cells

Guarantee of 2 blastocysts

skutecznosc 60 e1677856342664 In vitro with donor cells

75% program effectiveness

cechy fenotypowe e1677856413283 In vitro with donor cells

Donor matching based on
phenotypic characteristics and blood type

opieka koordynatora e1677856539773 In vitro with donor cells

Simultaneous preparation of the donor and the recipient

bezpieczenstwo i anonimowosc e1677856501962 In vitro with donor cells

Security and anonymity
at every stage of the procedure

opieka lekarza e1677856459265 In vitro with donor cells

Comprehensive care

kwalifikacja dna e1677856273242 In vitro with donor cells

Restrictive qualification
medical donor

Do you have more questions?

Fill out the form and we will contact you.


    Oocyte donors

    • Donors are young, healthy women who are fully aware of their desire to share their egg cells with infertile couples wishing to fulfill the dream of parenthood.
    • They go through a strict qualification procedure, and their health status is carefully verified.
    • They must have no addictions or genetically determined diseases. They must have negative tests for sexually transmitted diseases.

    Qualification for cell donation is a multi-step process and requires a lot of commitment from donor candidates. All these procedures are necessary so that we can be 100% sure that there are no contraindications to egg cell donation by a particular woman.


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    Gyncentrum the No. 1 center in Poland for infertility diagnosis and family planning

    We give patients the opportunity to additionally test the donor for carrying recessive mutations. This test is then also performed on the recipient’s partner. FertiSCREEN test is a unique opportunity to precisely examine as many as 128 selected genes associated with genetic diseases most common in the Polish population, i.e. cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, spinal muscular atrophy, Tay Sachs disease, etc.

    How is the treatment going in the IVF program with a donor cell?

    BiorczyniENG In vitro with donor cells

    Frequently asked questions
    regarding in vitro with donor egg cell

    How is IVF with a donor egg different from classic IVF?

    Both procedures are almost identical. We have the qualification of the couple, hormonal stimulation, ovarian puncture, during which the ova are collected. This is followed by in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer and confirmation of pregnancy 14 days after transfer. The only difference occurs at the stimulation stage. In IVF with a donor egg, it is the donor who undergoes hormonal stimulation and ovarian puncture, not the embryo recipient.

    Can I meet the donor who shared her cells with me?

    Many couples undergoing IVF with donor egg cells would like to meet, see and thank the person who contributed to their happiness. Unfortunately, Polish law does not provide for such a situation, allowing only anonymous donation. In practice, this means that both the personal data of cell donors and sperm donors remain secret. Polish law also does not allow so-called donation by indication, so the couple cannot indicate a specific person they know from whom they would like to receive ova, such as a sister, friend, etc. However, when selecting a donor for a couple, the clinic takes into account the blood type and phenotypic similarity (eye color, hair color, height or body build) so that the future child is as similar to the parents as possible.


    Karolina and Łukasz, parents of Ignasio

    Deciding on cell donation was the best decision of our lives,” says Karolina, who became pregnant with her first transfer in the IVF program with a Gyncentrum donor egg. – For the first time in a long time, I actually felt happiness,” she adds with a shrug.

    Price of in vitro program with donor egg cell

    The cost of IVF treatment with donor oocytes varies depending on the treatment program chosen and the oocyte package.

    In vitro with donor egg cell

    Give yourself a chance to fulfill your dream of parenthood.

    Schedule a consultation
    with our specialist!

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