Privacy Policy

1. Personal Data Controller:

The controller of your personal data is Gyncentrum Sp. z o. o ul. Żelazna 1, 40-851 Katowice, and all entities related to and dependent on the company, either personally or by capital, directly or through other entities. As co-controllers, the data is processed by:

  • American Medical Clinic. Sp. z o. o. ul. Żelazna 1, 40-851 Katowice,
  • Lipoline Sp. z o. o. ul. Żelazna 1, 40-851 Katowice.

You can contact us in the following manner:

  • by letter to: Customer Service Department, Gyncentrum Sp. z o. o ul. Żelazna 1, 40-851 Katowice
  • via contact form at
  • by e-mail: [email protected]
  • by phone: +48 735 122 777

2. Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer. This is the person you can contact for all matters concerning the processing of your personal data and exercising your rights in relation to data processing. The inspector can be contacted by email: [email protected]

3. Purposes of processing your personal data and legal basis for processing

We will process your personal data depending on the provided service, the contract concluded, and your consent for the following purposes:

  • health protection, providing medical services, concluding and performing contracts, providing laboratory services or providing other medical services that may be necessary for conducting the treatment process, as well as for managing the provision of medical services;
  • conducting recruitment and participating in clinical trials;
  • providing medically assisted procreation as well as reproductive cell
    and embryo banking services;
  • conducting the recruitment process for donors of reproductive cells;
  • matching donors and recipients of reproductive cells/embryos for phenotypic characteristics;
  • handling your requests and queries addressed to us via all communication channels (e.g. telephone, contact form, e-mail, etc.),
  • contacting you, for purposes related to providing services, including obtaining feedback concerning the provided services,
  • making business settlements,
  • handling complaints if received,
  • archiving data following legal provisions,
  • ensuring the safety of people and property (carried out video surveillance of the clinic),
  • ensuring a high quality of service (recording telephone calls and video consultations),
  • establishing and handling the course of the employment process,
  • acquiring customers through the use of marketing techniques.

The legal bases for processing your data are:

  • contract with the patient/client for carrying out a service,
  • consent to participate in the recruitment process and to take part in the clinical trial,
  • legally valid interest pursued by the controller,
  • employment contract or other related relationship,
  • provisions of law.

In case of processing your personal data for marketing purposes, we will process it, with your consent, to present you with commercial offers and other information related to providing services.

4. Period of processing of your personal data

Your data will be processed:

  • over the timing of providing medical services as well as services related or associated with them;
  • over the period for which the provisions of the applicable law require retaining your personal data;
  • throughout the concluded contracts, and thereafter for the period after which claims arising from the contract between you, e.g. contracts for storing reproductive cells and embryos, contracts with pharmaceutical companies and companies representing sponsors of clinical trials, become time-barred, and in the event of Gyncentrum pursuing claims or notifying the competent authorities, for the duration of such proceedings;
  • video surveillance, recorded telephone calls and video consultations are stored for up to 3 months and, in justified cases, until concluding the pending investigation;
  • personal data collected from you for marketing purposes will be processed until you object.

5. Recipients of your personal data

We will provide the personal data:

  • to other medical entities that process personal data with which we have concluded contracts for providing other medical services necessary to be provided or carried out during the provision of medical services related to your treatment process and which we do not provide directly.
  • to non-medical entities that process your data based on a data processing agreement with Gyncentrum (e.g. operation of IT systems, legal services, HR and accounting services, etc.),
  • to entities authorised by law,
  • to entities authorised by you.

Your personal data will only be transferred to a third country with your additional consent.

6. Your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data

You are entitled to the following rights concerning personal data protection:

  • the right to object to the processing of the data, unless there is another legal obligation to continue the processing,
  • right to access your personal data,
  • right to request the rectification of personal data,
  • right to request the restriction of processing personal data,
  • right to data portability, i.e. the right to receive your personal data from us, in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable computer format. You may send this data to another controller or request that we send it to another controller. However, we will do so only if sending the data is technically possible. 

To exercise the above rights, please contact the data controller (contact details in point 1 above).

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority, i.e. the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

7. Obligation to provide data

Refusal to provide personal data to the extent legally required or necessary for performing service will result in not providing the services. In the remaining scope, consent to data processing is voluntary.

8. Cookie policy

8.1. Relevant marketing techniques

  1. The operator takes advantage of statistical analysis of website traffic, via Google Analytics (Google Inc., based in the USA). The operator does not transfer personal data to the operator of this service, but only anonymized information. The service is based on the use of cookies on the user’s end device. Within the scope of information concerning the user’s preferences collected by the Google advertisement network, the user may browse and edit information resulting from cookie files using the following tool:
  2. The operator uses the Facebook pixel. This technology results in the Meta service (Meta Platforms, Inc., based in the USA) knowing that a person registered with it is using the Service. In this case, it is based on data to which it is itself the controller. The operator does not individually provide any additional personal data to the Meta service. The service is based on using cookies on the user’s end device.

8.2. Information on cookies

  1. The website uses cookies.
  2. Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored in the Website User’s end device and are intended for use on the Website. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they originate, the time for which they are stored on the end device and a unique number.
  3. The entity placing cookies on the Website User’s end device and gaining access to them is the Website Operator.
  4. Cookies are used for the following purposes:
    • maintaining the Website User’s session (after logging in) to allow the user to use the Website without re-typing his/her login and password;
    • achieving the objectives set out above in the section “Important marketing techniques”;
  5. The Website uses two main types of cookies: “session cookies” and “persistent cookies”. “Session” cookies are temporary files which are stored on the User’s end device until logging out, leaving the website, or turning off the software (the web browser). “Persistent” cookies are stored in the User’s end device for the time specified in the parameters of cookies or until they are deleted by the User.
  6. The web browsing software (web browser) usually allows cookies to be stored on the User’s end device by default. Website users can change their settings in this respect. The web browser allows deleting cookies. It is also possible to block cookies automatically. Detailed information on this can be found in the help section or the internet browser documentation.
  7. Restrictions concerning using cookies may affect certain functionalities available on the Website.
  8. Cookies placed in the Website User’s end device may also be used by entities cooperating with the Website Operator, in particular companies: Google (Google Inc. based in the USA), Meta (Meta Platforms Inc. based in the USA), Twitter (Twitter Inc. based in the USA).

8.3. Cookie files management – how to express and withdraw consent in practice?

  1. If the user doesn’t wish to receive cookies, the browser settings can be changed. We stipulate that disabling cookie file support for authentication and safety processes, as well as processes maintaining the user’s preferences, may make it more difficult, or, in extreme cases, even make it impossible, to use websites.
  2. To manage your cookie settings, select the web browser you are using from the list below and follow the instructions:
    • Edge
    • Internet Explorer
    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Firefox
    • Opera
      Mobile devices:
    • Android
    • Safari (iOS)
    • Windows Phone