The medical community is divided on this topic. Some doctors say that thyroid diseases have a significant impact on fertility, others that they do not cause major problems with pregnancy. What is the truth? In order for us to resolve this issue, we should first find out what the thyroid is actually and what role it plays in the human body.

The medical community is divided on this topic. Some doctors say that thyroid diseases have a significant impact on fertility, others that they do not cause major problems with pregnancy. What is the truth? In order for us to resolve this issue, we should first find out what the thyroid is actually and what role it plays in the human body.
What is thyroid and what are its functions?
The thyroid is an odd endocrine gland located within the neck area. The hormones it produces – thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and calcitonin – are responsible for many important functions in the body. They regulate, among others protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. In the embryonic period they also affect the development of the nervous system, skeletal system and kidneys. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland, therefore, actually affect the whole body, and their abnormal concentration has its health consequences. In addition, it is also worth remembering that although a sick thyroid does not hurt, an excess or deficiency of thyroid hormones can cause numerous ailments.
Hyperthyroidism – what is it and what are the symptoms?
Hyperthyroidism, involves the excessive secretion of T3 and T4 hormones. This speeds up metabolism, causing numerous symptoms at the same time. There are tachycardia (fast heartbeat), insomnia, hyperactivity and trembling hands. A sick person often suffers from a feeling of heat and excessive sweating. Despite no changes in her diet, she may have diarrhea and sudden weight loss. Women with hyperthyroidism also have irregular periods. The most common cause of excessive thyroid hormone production is genetically determined Graves’ disease.
Hypothyroidism – what is it and what are the symptoms?
Hypothyroidism, is associated with a deficiency of thyroid hormones. This results in a slower metabolism and can cause a number of ailments. Patients with hypothyroidism most often complain of: weight gain, fatigue and weakness, depressive states, dry skin, constipation, increased sensitivity to cold, slow heart rate, swelling and brittle hair and nails.
In hypothyroidism, as in hyperthyroidism, menstrual cycle disorders may also occur. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s disease, i.e. chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. Because this is a disease that has been talked about quite often lately, let’s stop by it for a moment…
Hashimoto disease – what is it?
Hashimoto’s disease is the result of a disturbed functioning of the immune system. The body of a person suffering from Hashimoto’s disease sees in his own thyroid the enemy he must fight, he produces anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) and anti-thyroglobulin (anti-TG) antibodies that participate in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Hashimoto’s disease produces symptoms typical of hypothyroidism, including menstrual cycle disorders, lack of ovulation and a decrease in libido.
It is worth adding that both environmental and genetic factors influence the development of Hashimoto’s disease.Let’s return to how thyroid disease affects the chance of conceiving a child. First of all, we must remember that both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism disrupt the menstrual cycle. In practice, this means that it can make it difficult for a woman to become pregnant.
Chances for pregnancy with hypothyroidism
With hypothyroidism, the level of TSH, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, increases. This condition will promote prolactin overproduction and may inhibit ovulation. Women with hypothyroidism often have longer cycles and more bleeding. They are also more prone to habitual pregnancy loss and problems with conceiving a child – especially when this hypo is significant. For men, too low a level of thyroid hormones can worsen semen quality and cause a decrease in libido.
Chances for pregnancy with hyperthyroidism
High hyperthyroidism can cause similar problems, and thus make it difficult to conceive and maintain pregnancy. The cycles of women affected by hyperthyroidism are often anovulatory and irregular – once shorter, sometimes longer. Menstruation is either absent or less abundant.
Mother’s thyroid disease affects also the fetus
In the first weeks of pregnancy, the baby does not produce its own hormones, so it uses those that it receives from its mother. The development of her child will depend on how the pregnant’s thyroid works. Untreated during pregnancy, thyroid disease can cause many serious health problems in the baby. The baby may have low birth weight, breathing problems, disorders of the nervous system (including intellectual disability, delayed motor development) or skeletal system.
Even with a thyroid disease you have a chance for a happy family!
To sum up, with severe thyroid disease, there may indeed be problems with conceiving a child. Therefore, if we want to get pregnant quickly, it is worth doing research on the basic hormones that assess thyroid function. This will exclude any medical conditions within it. If it turns out that we have a thyroid disease, it will be possible to implement treatment that will equalize hormone levels and thus increase the chances for a child. Of course, such treatment is always carried out under the strict control of the endocrinologist.