GYNECOLOGY Article · 1 August 2022

Irregular menstruations and lack of ovulation – how do they affect fertility?

Every woman at least once in her life got a period beyond the expected date. Stress, climate change, intense exercise, weight loss – little is needed to completely disrupt the menstrual cycle. It is worth remembering, however, that apart from small irregularities, menstruation should appear at approximately equal time frames.


Every woman at least once in her life got a period beyond the expected date. Stress, climate change, intense exercise, weight loss – little is needed to completely disrupt the menstrual cycle. It is worth remembering, however, that apart from small irregularities, menstruation should appear at approximately equal time frames.


Regular cycles are one of the most important indicators of a woman’s health. Therefore, if the bleeding comes too quickly or is notoriously late, it is worth informing your gynecologist. Irregular menstrual periods often indicate ovulation disorders, which can make it difficult for a couple to conceive. Read this article and learn how ovulation disorders affect the bleeding rhythm and how it all relates to female fertility.


When should the menstruation come?


The length of the menstrual cycle is a very individual matter. However, it has been accepted that a single menstrual cycle should last from 21 to 35 days – from the first day of bleeding to the last day before the next bleeding. Most women can predict the likely date of menstruation. However, there are ladies who find it difficult to determine the approximate date of menstruation. Most often because of irregular bleeding cycles.


When the first menstruation did not come


The first menstruation is a special moment for every maturing girl. It means that she has just become a woman. The age of 16 is considered the upper limit when it comes to menarche. If bleeding does not occur by this time, you should visit a gynecologist, because the primary amenorrhoea requires hormonal treatment. It can be caused by abnormally developed gonads (gonadal dysgenesis), ovarian failure, hypothalamic failure, congenital adrenal hyperplasia or pituitary tumors.


When menstruation suddenly stopped coming


Menstruation may disappear in women who have had their periods before. The first thought that most often comes to our mind is one: pregnancy! However, the fact that menstruation has stopped suddenly does not necessarily mean that fertilization has occurred. The so-called secondary amenorrhea often results from disorders on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Sometimes bleeding stops also under the influence of such factors as stress, intense physical effort or sudden weight loss. To determine secondary amenorrhea, the bleeding pause must be at least 6 months.


When the menstruation is rare


Too rare periods (oligomenorrhoea) we have when bleeding does not appear after 34 days. Such a long cycle is usually single-phase and anovulatory. Most often it is observed in young girls in the first years of menstruation. At this stage, rare periods do not require treatment unless they are heavy or prolonged. However, if the bleeding does not stabilize in subsequent years, a woman should go to a gynecologist for further diagnosis. Rare menstruation may be a symptom of thyroid disease, polycystic ovaries or corpus luteum failure.


When the menstruation is too common


You have barely finished your bleeding and have to struggle with your next menstruation? Too frequent menstruation (polymenorrhoea) is said when the cycle lasts less than 21 days. Unfortunately, it can also be anovulatory and result from corpus luteum failure, polycystic ovary syndrome or shortening of the follicular phase.


Little, large, regular or not – what are functional bleedings?


Functional bleeding may occur throughout the entire reproductive period. It is not associated with damage to reproductive organs. Occurs, among others when the ovarian follicle does not rupture and the egg is not released, i.e. ovulation does not occur. Functional bleeding in about 20% of cases is juvenile bleeding resulting from hormonal disorders that take place before puberty. Such bleeding may also occur in women who are in the perimenopausal period.


Irregular menstruation is a signal that ovulation does not occur properly
Ovulation is necessary for fertilization to occur. Without it, giving birth to a new life is simply impossible. During ovulation, the egg is released, which then joins the fallopian tube with the sperm. With menstrual disorders, the cycles are usually anovulatory, i.e. there is no rupture of the Graff follicle and the release of the egg. This prevents a couple from getting pregnant. Therefore, anovulatory cycles are one of the possible causes of infertility. How can we fight it?


Ovulation does not occur? Do not worry!


An induction of ovulation is possible. It involves taking hormonal drugs at specific doses – of course, determined by the attending physician. The patient takes them orally or in the form of injections. Thanks to the medication, the number of oocytes increases and the chances of fertilization also increase. Thus, the induction of ovulation increases a woman’s fertility, giving her a chance to make her dream about motherhood come true.

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