And it happened! After a series of specialized tests, you were qualified for in vitro surgery. You are waiting for embryo transfer. Remember that it is really the most important element of the whole procedure. The embryos are transferred to the uterus 3-5 days after the collection of the eggs. The procedure itself is painless and usually lasts only a moment.

And it happened! After a series of specialized tests, you were qualified for in vitro surgery. You are waiting for embryo transfer. Remember that it is really the most important element of the whole procedure. The embryos are transferred to the uterus 3-5 days after the collection of the eggs. The procedure itself is painless and usually lasts only a moment.
However, you should prepare well for it – both physically and mentally. In this article, we suggest how you can do it!
Remember about medicines
Before the embryos enter the uterus, your doctor will prescribe hormonal drugs that will prepare your body for transfer. They are intended to facilitate implantation of embryos and prevent their rejection. The type of medication and their dosage determined by the doctor depends on whether you are preparing for the transfer immediately after ovarian puncture, or whether it will be the transfer of frozen embryos.
Take care of proper hydration and a healthy diet
By drinking about 2 liters of water a day, you flush out toxins from your body. You must know that toxic substances are found in air, food, cigarette smoke and other stimulants. So if you want to support your fertility before embryo transfer, remember to give up all addictions, drink the right amount of water, daily exercise and a healthy diet.
If you are preparing for a transfer, you should pay close attention to what you eat. It is best that your daily menu consists of 4-5 small, but varied meals a day. Before in vitro, it is best to completely exclude fast food and highly processed foods from your diet. Your diet should be rich in vegetables, fruit, meat and dairy products.
Remember! You should start to follow healthy lifestyle recommendations when you decide to expand your family, even before starting to try for a baby naturally.
You don’t have to come on an empty stomach for embryo transfer. Unless it takes place under anesthesia, which can sometimes occur. It is good, however, that on the day of the transfer you bet on easily digestible meals and avoid bloating products.
Your fertility can be supported by supplementation and herbal medicine
It has long been known about the beneficial effects of herbs and vitamins on fertility. For this reason, women preparing for in vitro fertilization are recommended to use them. Of course, always inform your doctor about the preparations you take. Herbs can also not be taken at the same time as taking preparations for in vitro preparation. So when to take them? Preferably 3 months before the procedure. It’s best to talk to your doctor about nutrients and vitamins important in the pre-in vitro period.
Drink water right before the transfer
It is best to drink from 0.5-1 liter of still water. This is to make the uterus more visible, which will facilitate the whole procedure. If it turns out that your bladder is not sufficiently filled, you will be asked to drink more water, but the transfer time may then change.
Try not to stress
In vitro may be a significant psychological burden to many women. You may feel uncertainty and fear for procedure failure. In this kind of situation, instead of suppressing the emotions &ndash release them. How? You can share them with your partner or a psychologist.
What exactly is embryo transfer?
Embryo transfer is about inserting the embryos through the vagina into the uterine cavity using a special catheter. The embryologist decides which embryos will be used. Usually, 1-2 embryos are placed in the uterus. The whole procedure takes place in a gynecological chair, it takes a few minutes and is usually not painful.
And after the transfer?
Immediately after the transfer, a short rest – lasting approx. 10-15 minutes – is recommended. Only after this time will you be able to empty your bladder and go home. 12 days after the transfer, you will do a blood pregnancy test (beta hCG test) to confirm or exclude pregnancy. Until then, you should also spare yourself if possible – avoid increased physical activity and refrain from sexual intercourse. Hot baths, sauna and solarium are also not recommended. Remember that you should inform your doctor about the result of the pregnancy test, whether it will be positive or negative.
Do you want the transfer to be successful? First of all, listen to the doctor
To sum up, whether an embryo transfer will be successful, it depends on many factors, such as the patient’s age or health. No matter what, the patient should work with a doctor and strictly follow his/her recommendations, especially when it comes to taking drugs that prepare for the transfer.