It’s been known for a long time that male fertility is not going well. Over the past 30-40 years, the standards, when it comes to the quality of male sperm have lowered by 4 times! What caused that fertility disorders are no longer just a problem for women?

Although in vitro is no longer a new invention, because it is over 40 years old, it still raises many fears among people who want to use this method. What do couples entering the in vitro fertilization procedure fear the most? Let’s see!
Will it work?
The lack of effect is probably what the couples are afraid of the most. The question about the effectiveness of the IVF fertilization cannot be given an unequivocal answer, because it depends on many factors – the patient’s age, her health condition or the quality of the partner’s sperm. In vitro efficacy is highest in women under 35 years of age. After reaching this age, the reproductive potential begins to decrease significantly, which reduces the chances of the in vitro procedure to succeed. Men should also be aware that with each subsequent year their semen parameters will decrease.
The presence of some conditions can also reduce the chances of IVF being successful, and even prevent the couple from qualifying for surgery. In addition to the partners’ state of health, of course, the knowledge and experience of the clinic performing the procedure, including embryologists, as well as the doctor treating the couple, play a huge role. It is obvious that the IVF effectiveness is also determined by the laboratory techniques used – both in the field of fertilization itself, embryo transfer, its implantation in the uterus and monitoring of all subsequent pregnancy development. In order for the embryo to have a better chance of implantation into the endometrium, the Clinic can use e.g. EmbryoGlue®, which is a special medium for embryo transfer with a high content of hyaluronan. This substance naturally occurs in the uterine fluid, uterus, and woman’s follicular fluid. Under physiological conditions, the concentration of hyaluronan increases at the time of conception, and then lowers to normal levels. It can therefore be said that EmbryoGlue® mimics nature and facilitates the embryo to properly implant in the endometrium.
Couples undergoing the treatment are also often offered preimplantation diagnosis / screening. It allows the genetic material of the embryo to be assessed for possible abnormalities before it is administered to the uterus. In this way, only genetically healthy embryos are selected for transfer, which increases the chances of getting pregnant and its normal growth. These are, of course, only some of the many techniques used by the infertility clinic to increase the effectiveness of the IVF procedure.
Is the procedure safe?
Patients often ask about the safety of the in vitro procedure. The most doubts are raised by hormonal stimulation, which the woman undergoes before collecting eggs. Is the amount of hormones you take harmful to your health?
In general, hormonal stimulation is considered a safe procedure for a woman. Of course, there is a certain risk that under the influence of the hormones used, ovarian hyperstimulation will occur, in other words, excessive growth of ovarian follicles. However, it should be remembered that the type and dose of drugs are always selected individually for the patient by an experienced doctor. The follicles growth is also regularly monitored by ultrasound so that the risk of hyperstimulation is as low as possible.
Is it painful?
Patients who are starting the treatment are very often afraid of pain, especially during puncture of the ovaries during egg collection and injections given during hormonal stimulation. The egg collectio, is carried out under general anesthesia. Thanks to this, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. After the procedure, only slight spotting and abdominal pain similar to menstrual pain are possible – nothing more. When it comes to injections taken during hormonal stimulation, many women describe them as being just slightly painful or painless. Conclusion? The devil is not so black as he is painted!
Can we afford it?
We know that a treatment can be a very stressful journey. It includes both factors, psychological and financial. In order to minimalize an emotional discomfort and provide the highest satisfaction to the Patients we created the 2+1 Program.
You pay for two cycles in advance. If none of them results in pregnancy, the Patient receives the third attempt for free. If the first IVF procedure is successful, we will return the cost of unused attempt.
What will others say?
Couples using the IVF method are very often worried about whether their child will be accepted by the environment. It happens that they don’t admit to IVF even to close family or friends. In this way, they want to protect themselves and, above all, their children against stigmatization and unfavorable comments. The family should support our choices, even if they do not fully agree with them – it is obvious. However, this is not always the case. In this situation, it is worth considering a visit to a psychologist who, together with us, will consider how to talk about the fact that a child was conceived by the in vitro method, or whether it may be better to keep this information to ourselves.