Have tests after a miscarriage and find out the possible cause of pregnancy loss. Increase your chances of achieving your dream of a healthy offspring!

If you have had a miscarriage and don’t know what to do next or are having trouble getting the material, CONTACT OUR INFOLINE. We have also included all the necessary information below, which shows you step by step how to properly order the test after a miscarriage.

For the test result to be reliable, the miscarriage material must be secured according to the instructions and delivered to the laboratory (in person) no later than 48 hours after the miscarriage.

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zlecenie badania po poronieniu

Study order documents / material collection instructions

Do you have questions about testing after a miscarriage?

    Zostaw swoje dane, a skontaktujemy się z Tobą.

    Secure the material
    for examination
    Fill out the form
    test order form
    Pack the material
    Pay for the survey (by cash,
    bank transfer or card)
    Deliver the material in person
    Receive your test result

    STEP 1: Securing the abortive material

    I.) If the miscarriage took place in the hospital

    To properly secure the material for examination, you need a kit for storing and transporting miscarriage material. Such a kit includes:

    • sterile urine container,
    • saline (volume that covers the test material),
    • a bag to protect the container with the material.

    If the hospital has not been supplied with a kit for storing material from a miscarriage, you can complete it yourself (the components of the kit are available at any pharmacy). The doctor, during the procedure of curettage of the uterine cavity after a miscarriage, secures the material for examination. The material is placed in a saline container, capped tightly and described with the patient’s data. The examination material should be stored at 2-8 °C.

    II.) If the miscarriage occurred at home

    If the miscarriage occurred at home, the material should be secured in a similar way – that is, in a sterile urine container (available at any pharmacy). The material should be dunked in saline (the volume covering the test material) and tightly capped. The material should be stored at 2-8°C. Remember that proper protection of the material significantly affects the reliability of the result obtained.


    View the manual
    zabezpieczenie materiału poronnego

    STEP 2: Filling out the study order form

    Together with the material from the miscarriage, a properly completed test order form must be submitted to the Gyncentrum Genetic Laboratory. The document should be signed by one of the parents.

    Download the form
    wypełnienie formularza zlecenia badania

    STEP 3: Paying for the study

    The fee for the test must be paid on the day the abortion material is delivered to the Gyncentrum Genetic Laboratory. This can be done as follows: by bank transfer or by cash or card on the spot at Gyncentrum clinics. Confirmation of the transfer should be sent to e-mail: [email protected] or deliver it in hard copy to the point where the material was brought.

    Check the price list
    opłata zlecenia badania po poronieniu

    STEP 4: Deliver the material to the laboratory

    Material for genetic testing can be delivered PERSONALLY to one of the branches of Gyncentrum:

    • Sosnowiec, ul. Wojska Polskiego 8a | Mon-Fri: 6:00-22:00 | payment: by bank transfer only.
    • Katowice, Żelazna 1 | Mon-Fri: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm, Sat: 7:00-13:00 | payment: cash, card, bank transfer.
    • Kraków, 10 Mehoffera St. | Mon-Fri: 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. | payment: cash, card, bank transfer.
    • Bielsko-Biała, 140 Komorowicka St. | Mon: 7:00am-5:00pm, Tues: 7:00-14:30, Wed: 7:00-17:00, Thurs-Fri: 7:00-14:30 | payment: cash, card, bank transfer
    • Częstochowa, ul. Kozielewskiego 9 | Mon-Thu: 08:00-14:00, Wed-Wed: 07:00-14:00, Fri: 08:00-12:00 | payment: cash, card, bank transfer
    • Lublin, ul. Tomasza Zana 32a | Tuesday: 08:00-16:00, Wed: 08:00-10:00 | payment: cash, card, bank transfer
    • Poznań, 151 Głogowska St. | pt: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm | payment: cash, card, bank transfer
    dostarczenie materiału z poronienia

    STEP 5: Receiving the result

    The test result is ready for collection within a maximum of 10 working days. You can apply for it in person at the Gyncentrum Genetic Laboratory or receive it by e-mail to the address indicated by the patient.

    Consult the testresult

    It is worth discussing the test result with a Gyncentrum reproductive medicine specialist. The consultation is free of charge for those patients who have had a fetal genetic disease test after a miscarriage in our laboratory.

    Make an appointment for a consultation
    odebranie wyniku
    Amniocentesis with clinical microarray study

    PLN 1,800

    Examination of material from a miscarriage with identification of the sex of the fetus met. FISH

    820 zł

    Examination of material from a miscarriage to determine the sex of the fetus met. PCR

    397 zł

    Examination of material from a miscarriage to determine the sex of the fetus met. FISH

    397 zł


    What diseases does genetic testing detect after a miscarriage?

    Approximately 15-20% of all clinically diagnosed pregnancies end in miscarriage [1]. Most often, the loss occurs already in the first one. Genetic factors are considered to be the main cause of spontaneous miscarriages in early pregnancy, primarily numerical chromosomal aberrations occurring in the embryo, called aneuploidies. Examples of such chromosomal aberrations include Down syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 18), Patau syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 13), Turner syndrome (monosomy of chromosome X in the karyotype of a girl), Klinefelter syndrome (most often 47, XXY).

    An embryo with an abnormal number of chromosomes in the karyotype does not develop properly and most often miscarriage occurs . Defects of this type arise completely spontaneously (usually already at the stage of fusion of the genetic material of the ovum and sperm), which means that the child does not inherit them from the parents.

    [1] Characteristics of miscarriages and rights of a woman after pregnancy loss, M. Lewicka, M. Sulima, M. Pyć, B. Stawarz, Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis 2013, vol. 59 no. 1, pp. 123-129.

    Why is it important to test for fetal genetic diseases after a miscarriage?

    • Genetic diseases are the most common cause of miscarriage, so it is worth excluding fetal aneuploidies first.
    • The test allows you to direct further diagnosis of miscarriage.
    • The test allows you to estimate the risk of future miscarriages or the birth of a child with a genetic defect.
    • Knowing the cause of the miscarriage, you can better prepare for the next pregnancy.
    • It is easier to come to terms with the loss of a pregnancy when you know that it was not due to negligence and could not have been prevented.
    • The result of the genetic test of the cause of miscarriage, performed at the Gyncenter Genetic Laboratory, can be consulted with a Gyncenter reproductive medicine doctor.

    Fetal sex examination after miscarriage

    Determining the sex of the baby on ultrasound is possible at the earliest around 16 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus develops reproductive organs. However, not every woman manages to carry the pregnancy to this point. In such a situation, the only way to know the sex of the unborn child is to conduct a genetic test of the material from the miscarriage. It allows to determine the sex of the fetus with 100% certainty, regardless of the duration of the pregnancy. Knowing the sex of the child is required if the parents want to exercise their rights after a miscarriage.

    Parents after a miscarriage have the right to:

    • maternity leave (56 days)
    • funeral allowance (PLN 4,000)
    • compensation if the parents had an additional insurance policy

    The above benefits can be applied for at the relevant offices.

    Did you receive the result of genetic testing after the miscarriage?

    Consult with a Gyncentrum specialist.

      Thank you for filling out the form

      We will soon contact you to schedule a convenient consultation date.

      Make an appointment for a consultation