Gyncentrum prenatal tests

Take care of your baby’s health and perform prenatal tests at Gyncentrum – a prenatal diagnostic center with 20 years of experience. We provide services free of charge under the National Health Fund and privately.


Prenatal testing – a safe pregnancy and a better start for the baby

  • Prenatal testing is the examination of the fetus carried out during intrauterine development.
  • The purpose of prenatal diagnostics is the early diagnosis of malformations in the baby during early pregnancy.
  • Thanks to prenatal tests, it is possible to detect, among others, Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Edwards’ zedpół, or heart defects, etc.
  • Prenatal tests in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy should be performed by every pregnant woman.


Gyncentrum, thanks to cooperation with the National Health Fund, has the opportunity to perform
I and II prenatal tests free of charge. Call us and check the details.


badania prenatalne na NFZ

Experience, safety, comprehensiveness

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For 20 years, we have offered access to the highest quality medical care during pregnancy.

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We provide access to certified specialists in obstetrics, perinatology and genetics.

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We perform a full range of prenatal diagnostics, from ultrasound and echocardiography to specialized laboratory tests.

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We provide professional genetic counseling and direct access to advanced genetic testing.

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We have a modern prenatal testing laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment, including the Voluson E10 with Silouetthe functionality, allowing us to evaluate anatomical structures as early as the first trimester of pregnancy.

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We provide prenatal tests free of charge under contract with the National Health Fund and privately.

Visit us at one of our clinics


The Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians recommends prenatal testing for all pregnant women regardless of medical indications.

Prenatal tests should be performed not only by pregnant women in the so-called high-risk group, but by every pregnant woman, regardless of age or genetic history burden.

Take care of your baby’s health from the first days!

Arrange a survey
badania prenatalne rekomendacje

Prenatal tests on the National Health Fund

We carry out a program of free prenatal tests reimbursed by the National Health Fund. You only need to meet one of the criteria:

    • you had chromosomal aberrations of the fetus or child in a previous pregnancy,

    • you are at increased risk of giving birth to a child affected by a monogenetic or multifactorial disease,

    • you have an abnormal ultrasound or biochemical test result during pregnancy,

    • you or your partner have been diagnosed with structural chromosomal aberrations.

Make an appointmentfor a free prenatal screening.

Arrange a free examination
If you have an appropriate medical package within the framework of private health care at LUX MED, Medicover, POLMED or Enel-Med medical center, prenatal tests will also be performed with us free of charge.

When do we perform prenatal testing?

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Between the 11th week and a maximum of 13 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy.

What exact tests are recommended?

  • 3D ultrasound – among other things, confirmation of gestational age, diagnosis of fetal defects, determination of chorionic villi – a determinant of multiple pregnancy. The examination can be recorded on a flash drive.
  • PAPP-A protein and free chorionic gonadotropin ßhCG (double test) – biochemical tests to determine the child’s risk of genetic syndromes – Down, Patau, Edwards.
  • Preeclampsia study – assessing the risk of gestational hypertension.
  • In justified cases, amniocentesis – an invasive diagnostic method, which the patient decides to perform after receiving information about the test results from the doctor performing prenatal diagnosis.
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Between the 18th and 23rd week and the 6th day of pregnancy.

What exact tests are recommended?

  • 3D or 4D ultrasound – determining the position of the placenta, assessing each part of the baby’s body and size, and the amount of fetal waters. In women at risk of preterm labor, the length of the cervix can also be measured by transvaginal examination. The baby’s facial features can already be seen. The examination can be recorded on a flash drive.
  • Fetal echocardiography (echo of the heart) – allows assessment of the anatomy of the heart, evaluation of the movement of the heart muscle and valves, as well as blood flow through the baby’s heart. This makes it possible to detect most congenital heart defects and abnormalities in the structure and function of the cardiovascular system.
  • Preeclampsia study – assessing the risk of gestational hypertension.
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Between the 30th and 32nd week of pregnancy.

What exact tests are recommended?

  • 3D or 4D ult rasound – measuring the size and estimating the weight of the baby, examining the baby’s movements, assessing the placenta, measuring the amount of fetal waters, assessing blood flow to the placenta and baby. The examination can be recorded on a flash drive.
  • Preeclampsia study – assessing the risk of gestational hypertension.

Specialists in obstetrics, gynecology
andperinatology with years of experience

Gyncentrum is a center that works with certified and experienced specialists who have trust among patients.

When choosing the right center where parents-to-be will want to perform prenatal tests, special attention should be paid to the qualifications and certifications of the staff of specialists performing the tests, such as. Among others,certificates of the FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation) confirming the highest qualifications and skills regarding genetic diagnosis of pregnancy, and Certificates of the Ultrasonography Section of the Polish Gynecological Society (ultrasound PTG),” assesses Dr. Wioletta Rozmus-Warcholińska, a specialist in obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology at Gyncentrum.

Make an appointment for prenatal testing at Gyncentrum.

+48 735 122 777

    Lub pozostaw swoje dane, a skontaktujemy się z Tobą w celu umówienia terminu wizyty.



    Prenatal screening video – a keepsake for life

    Prenatal screening is a great opportunity to capture the first moments of your little one’s life. All you have to do is request a video of the test before the examination and you will receive it on our flash drive.

    film z badania prenatalnego katowice, kraków, częstochowa, bielsko-biała

    Prices for prenatal ultrasound examinations

    In Gyncentrum you can perform the 1st and 2nd prenatal examination free of charge. The cost of the 3rd prenatal examination is 320 PLN.

    Make an appointment for prenatal testing at Gyncentrum.

    +48 735 122 777

      Lub pozostaw swoje dane, a skontaktujemy się z Tobą w celu umówienia terminu wizyty.


      Take care of your baby’s health from its first moments!

      Make an appointment for prenatal testing at Gyncentrum.

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        We will soon contact you and offer a convenient date for the study.

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